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2023 PH

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Call Category Comments
IR9WSO HIGH 10MAmazing propagation tnx to all!
IR9ZSA HIGH 20MPropagation almost closed with South America from my station. Some names from rare areas present on the cluster I wasn't even able to listen to. Rates of 140 qso/hour on Sunday morning. Activity finished before the end of the contest, total 16 hours
IS0BGLMULTI-ONEFunny as always, started with several problem, erratic configuration at the start (change radio, 1st hour without MULT station) and problem with alc interface (1st 12 hours with low power and change linear amplifier) however a good place and time to unite several sardinian ham. Many tnx as always to 'Piredda's & Son DX team' for logistical support. RUN STATION: KENWOOD TS480SAT P.A. ZZ750 MULT STATION: YAESU FTDX5000LTD @200W ANTENNA @25MT ROT DIP 40, ROT DIP 10,15,20, DIP 80MT, DIP 160MT ANTENNA @8MT ROT DIP 10,15,20
IT9JGX/PSO QRP ALLIT9JGX/QRP/P Natural Reserve Bosco D'Alcamo Monte Bonifato
IU0LRVSO LOW ALLVery funny and beautiful and like every year it gives me the chance to make some new Country. In my opinion it's one of the best contests around
IU0PVMSO HIGH ALLFirst license 11-2021
IU0PVZSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2021
IU0PXQSO HIGH ALLFirst license 12-2021
IU0QMESO LOW ALLFirst license 06/2022
IU0RAZSO LOW ALLOperator age 18
IU0RBCSO LOW ALLOperator age 23 Birth Year 2000
IU0SARSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2023
IU1HHHSA HIGH ALLbuona propagazione
IU1LTDSO HIGH ALLOperator age 24 Born in 1999
IU1PZCSO LOW ALLFirst license 02/2022
IU2MCHSO LOW 20Mwwdxcontst2023
IU2QBGSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2021
IU2RNSSO QRP ALLFirst license 02-2023 Certificat 42/2023/MI 24/02/2023
IU3OJASA LOW ALLFirst license 11-2020
IU3PDVSO LOW ALLFirst license 12/2020
IU3QEUSO LOW ALLFirst license 01-2022 73
IU3QNTSA LOW ALLFirst license 08/2022
IU3RHXSA LOW ALLFirst license 02-2023 LICENSED 02 JANUARY 2023
IU4DFRSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2022
IU4KETSA LOW ALLVery interesting contest
IU4MTYSA LOW 20MGood morning, I took part in this magnificent amateur radio event again this year and I must say that it never ceases to amaze me, and as always it creates fun and a lot of interest, keep it up until next time 73' by IU4MTY Andrea
IU4OAYSO LOW 160Mhallo from italy
IU4QRWSO LOW 40MFirst license 10-2022 24/10/2022
IU4QSHSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2022
IU4RXZSO LOW 10MFirst license 09-2023
IU5RCTSO LOW 10MFirst license 12-2022
IU5RDLSO LOW ALLFirst license 15-12-2022
IU7QCHSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2022 FIRST LICENSE 04-02-2022
IV3IPASO LOW 40MFirst license 11-2020
IV3JAKSA LOW ALLFirst license 01-2022
IV3YNBSO LOW ALLjust for fun... but what a fun!!!
IZ0DZZSO LOW ALLFirst license 03-2001 primo contest
IZ0ZFKSO QRP ALLI like contesting and QRP
IZ1RDQSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2009
IZ2ZQPSA HIGH ALLsuper contest
IZ4AIFSO QRP 10Mbeatiful propagation in 10 only 5 watt
IZ8GUQSO HIGH 20MBeautiful and unmissable contest, great participation and good propagation, it's a shame we couldn't dedicate more time to the session. See you at the next edition, hoping to finally move the location to a new location where you are exposed to 360 degrees. I thank all the stations that had the patience to connect me. 73 to all of IZ8GUQ Giovanni
IZ8HUWSO LOW ALLbeautiful contest and beautiful propagation opening on Saturday evening on 20/15/10 signals proud of the result operating with only 100w I thank all the stations who had the patience to connect me 73 IZ8HUW
JA0BJYSA LOW ALL10m,15m, CNDX was good
JA0BZYSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA0CLBSO HIGH ALLThanks for Cycle25 back. BUT No thanks bad lightning
JA0LNSSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JA0NFPSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest

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