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2023 PH

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Call Category Comments
KC9LASA HIGH ALLAntenna is 65' tall tee resonant on 160m with additional 80m quarter wave wire fed by ground mounted MFJ remote tuner and ~30 x 65' ground radials
KC9RBSO LOW ALLFirst license 04/2021
KD2YNPSA LOW ALLFirst license 12-2021
KD2ZYCSA HIGH ALLFirst license 08-2022
KD3TBSA HIGH ALLWhile band conditions were tough with a high noise level, it was nice to see 10M wide open again. Saturday was much better than Sunday
KD4ACGSA LOW ALLWelcome back, 10 meters! Standing room only all the way from 28.3 to 29.0 on Saturday! Not a full 48-hour effort effort, but the first contest from my own QTH since adding 40m to the shack. Nice to have a fourth band to continue the contesting into the evening hours. Spent the time chasing mults rather than running up the score, seemed a better use of my limited hours. Added AK and HI for WAS on 40m, pending QSL. This is hopefully a sign of things to come as the solar cycle still marches toward its peak
KD4ULWSO LOW ALLUsed 73 foot end fed wire antenna
KD7FQISO HIGH ALLYaesu FTDX 5000MPL & OM Power 3501A
KD8YVJSA LOW ALLOperator age 21 Birth Year: 2002
KD9GYSA LOW ALLFun to have 10 & 15 meters open all weekend!
KD9YTFSO LOW ALLFirst license 08-2023
KE0WPASO QRP ALLOperator age 16 I had fun, and working some new countries
KE2BVISO LOW 10MOperator age 14
KE2DSA LOW ALLThis was a single op, low power effort I did by operating my home station remotely while I was at the K2AX multi-two station in between my shifts. All S&P. Ironically I have more multipliers than I have QSOs because all but 2-3 of the QSOs were single or double multipliers
KE2HGSA HIGH ALLfirst effort with new YAesu FTDX101MP
KE8JVXSO LOW ALLGreat band conditions all around and loads of fun! Thanks for organizing this contest it is one of THE best ways to make loads of contacts in a single weekend
KE8ULBChecklogFirst license 04-2022
KF0HCNSO LOW ALLFirst license 11-2021
KF0HOGSO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2021
KF0IDTSA LOW ALLFirst license 03-2022 First Licenced in March of 2022
KF0LICSO LOW 10MFirst license 01-2023
KF5VDXSO LOW ALL73 and God Bless to the World. Garry KF5VDX
KF5YUBSO LOW 10MRig Yaesu FTDX 1200 Power 100 Watts Antenna Cushcraft R-7 Mic Heil PR781
KF7ROSA HIGH ALLThe most fun I've had in a contest ever!
KG5EIUSO HIGH ALL10M was fun - bands were okay/good
KG5VKSA HIGH ALLShort Part time Operation from motel room, back to my Station. Basically proof it works. Cheers! Steve KG5VK
KG7FZHSO LOW ALLAccidental contesting! All of the logging was on a manilla envelope!
KH6DHSO HIGH ALL10m was great
KH6KWSA HIGH ALLFirst license 04-2022
KI5PEDSA LOW ALLFirst license 03-2021 Rookie because date of first license 2021-03-30, which is 2 years and 7 months ago
KI5VNBSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2022
KI5ZDQSO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2022 FIRST LICENSED ON 12/21/2022
KI5ZNSSO LOW 10MOperator age 15 15
KJ3QSO LOW 20MCould not play this year. Answered 1 CQ and submitting for their score credit
KJ4PJUSO LOW ALLThanks to all who was able to hear my small signal from my ground mounted vertical
KJ5CDJSO LOW ALLFirst license 08-2023
KJ7AGQSO LOW ALLOperator age 17 Youth Birth Year 2006
KJ7KOJSA HIGH ALLOperator age 16
KJ9CSA HIGH 10MJust for kicks, maybe find a new band-country. Not!
KK7CJVSO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2021
KK7EXTSA HIGH ALLOperator age 14
KK7IQGSA LOW ALLRig: FT-891/ G90 Antenna: 49:1 @130'
KK7PWSA HIGH 20MGreat fun. Thanks to all for the Q's! 73
KL7KBNSO LOW 20MI don't know my score. I am uploading to confirm others' QSOs and ensure they get points
KN0LSA HIGH ALLStarted with low power, 99 watts. Sunday morning, gave up and went to high power
KN1MSO HIGH ALLGreat propagation
KN4HGISA LOW ALLChanging solar conditions made Sunday/Day 2 a real challenge and a good test! Thanks to all organizers and judges, and to all I completed a QSO with. 73
KN4UQMSO LOW 10MMy first submission had the wrong band on it. It should be 10m. I resumitied this today 11/3/23

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