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2023 PH

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Call Category Comments
KN6TRYSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2022 First licensed April 2022
KN6TZKSO LOW ALLDidn't have much time to play radio but I had fun
KN6UDKSO LOW ALLFirst license 05-2022 First License 05-2022
KN6VBWSA LOW ALLFirst license 07-2022
KN6VVQSA LOW ALLFirst license 09-2022
KN6ZHJSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2023
KO4DNSO LOW 10MBand was great!
KO4TNKSA LOW ALLOperator age 21 Birthday 2/18/2002
KO4UMQSA LOW ALLFirst license 11-2021 First time participating. This helped me to better understand the capabilities of my station. Looking forward to next year
KP4AAMULTI-ONEOur goal was to break the Puerto Rico MS record established in 1982 by NP4A, et al.We fell short by a little over 7 percent but our score is the second highest ever MS score from Puerto Rico and overtook the MS score and effort from KP3Z from 2021 with Operators NP4Z, W9KKN, N4YDU and N6MJ. We're extremely proud of what we did with small 3 element monobanders and wires on the low bands
KP4JFRSO LOW 40MIt was a nice run
KP4YESA LOW 40MFirst license 06-2022
KQ0CSO HIGH ALLFirst contest in quite a while. Nice to see 10 meters open
KQ2MSO HIGH ALLAmazing open on 10 resulted in a 330 hour and New US record! Tnx for the qsos and the mults! 73 Bob, KQ2M
KQ4FNOSA LOW ALLFirst license 01-2022
KQ4JYGSA LOW ALLFirst license 07/18/2023 ICOM 7300, 100 watts max, no amplifier, end fed dipole antenna 20 ft off the ground. First contest ever. I only knew about it 2 days before start time. I worked stations during breaks from work. I took my Tech and General test just a few days before my 56th birthday. Ienjoy the hobby very much. I belong to the Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Club (PCARS) W4MLB. I look forward to many more contests. I hope I logged all of this correctly. 73 KQ4JYG
KQ4KQKSO LOW ALLFirst license 08-2023 First licensed 2023-08-22
KQ4LBVSO LOW 10MFirst license 09-2003 First licensed in September 2023
KQ4LQLSO LOW ALLFirst license 10/2023 10/03/2023
KR1ASO LOW ALLDid not attempt to rotate 40m vertical even once
KR3LSA LOW ALLFirst license 06-2021 June 2021
KR4QSA LOW ALLThanks for the contest. Got a couple of states I need for WAS Triple Play
KS7TSO LOW ALLOn Sunday 10 was dead here until CR3DX opened it up started at s3 and built up to s9 within an hour then the band came alive with with 3 more AF big sigs. D4C always huge here any cndx, any band. 20 had vy few EU sigs all vy fluttery, hard to copy plus audio on the signals had too much processing
KT0VMULTI-ONE LOWThanks for a great contest weekend! KT0V, KB0JDX, & KD0BGA
KT7GSA LOW ALLWillamette valley DX club
KU2MSO HIGH 10MFirst time doing 10M in CQWW. Intense!
KV4ZYSO LOW ALLCasual operating just for fun
KV8PSO HIGH ALLPart-Time Effort. Bands looked good! 10m was fun this time around
KW8NSO HIGH ALLVery fun even though only part-time
KX2TSA HIGH ALLConditions were good the first day but 10m was off the second day, lots of S&P, Only had 27 hours in all weekend cause of other obligations but still had great fun with a TH2 and OCFdipole in threes
KY4KPSO LOW ALLFirst license 09-2021 09/21/2023
KZ4MKJSA LOW ALLFirst license 05/2021 I passed my Tech 5/6/21 FCC shows 6/21 just wanted to clarify that for rookie status. i had a lot of fun 1st contest, thank you for all you guys do. kz4mkj
LA2ZSO LOW ALLOperator LA9JRA - From LA2Z Horten Clubstation NRRL, On Yaesu FT891
LA4CMULTI-TWOEnjoyed the test. Our team was a mix of all categories operators, from veterans to new-licensed. Propagation was variable but offered good dx. Will be back next year with improved antennas
LA7WRASO QRP 10MHome built TriBand uSDX SDR all mode QRP transceiver with ca 2.5W output power. YP-3 Super Antenna - 3el yagi at 12m height
LB3CJSA LOW ALLFirst license 12-2021
LB7VISA LOW ALLFirst license 07.01.2020
LB8DCSO HIGH ALLOnly QRV for a few hours. Super fun! See you in the CW part with a bigger effort from my side
LC0MSA HIGH 10MFT2000 1K-FA DXCommander classic vertical
LC5LSO LOW 15MOperated from POTA LA-2526 Jærstrendene
LC9WSA LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021 23 APRIL 2021
LT6MSA HIGH 10MOnly a few minutes of run, very nice contest! 73 SEBA LU8MHL
LU1FCPSA LOW 10MFirst license 09-2021
LU1FCQSO LOW 10MFirst license 10-2021
LU1WCLSO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2020
LU1XAVSO LOW 10MFirst license 05-2021
LU2VYLSO LOW 10MFirst license 03-2022
LU5MECSO LOW 40MFirst license 09-1976 During the present contest. I had a strong wind and rain storm, with a high level of static... 73s
LW9HZISA QRP 10Mreal QRP 5w ---- FT 817

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