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2023 PH

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Call Category Comments
N6NFBSO HIGH ALLFirst time using a beam and amplifier instead of 100 watts and a dipole. Really transforms the experience. Great fun on my birthday! Now I need to learn to use these new tools. 73 Skip
N6RVSA HIGH ALLThanks for a great contest and thanks to everyone who worked me! It was a blast!
N6VOHSO HIGH ALLHad a great wit the openings on 10 and 15 meters
N6YEUSO LOW ALLConditions seemed poor but I always like to work a few qsos if I can
N7GRCSO LOW 40MFirst license 12-04-2021
N7HUDSO LOW ALLFirst license 10-2022 License first granted 10/25/2022 for ROOKIE overlay
N7MZWSA LOW ALL99% Hunt and Pounce using 100 watts and a wire. Worked Tuvalu on 10, 15,and 40 Meters, and Svalbard on 15. Other DX worked included: Marshall Is., Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Morocco, Iceland, Chatham Is., Cuba, French Guiana, Guam, Vanatu, Samoa, Solonan Is., South Cook Is.,Ireland, Japan, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, and Peru
N7VSSO LOW ALLThank you for hosting another interesting event. Conditions seemed not as good as they were a few weeks ago. This year's event seemed harder than last for me. Hope to be back next year. 73, Steve Brandt N7VS
N7VZUSO LOW ALLHad a great time in the contest
N7WYSO HIGH ALLK4D, KPA1500, 2 el M2 Yagi on 40 m, KT36xa on 20, 15 and 10 m
N8ACPSA LOW ALLFirst license 12-2020 first licenced 12/22/2020
N8AJMSO LOW ALLOperator age 16
N8GBSO LOW ALLN3FJP reported my CQz as 4 and it is 5. I communicated '5' to all contestants, however, I cannot guarantee they took the time to overwrite the erroneous data contained in the logging program
N8IISO LOW 10MVery good conditions to EU Saturday. Excellent South Pacific then brief good opening to Asia Saturday evening. Highlight was YE9BJM S9+10-20 db at 2238Z I was his first zone 5. Sunday was a real slog thanks to solar storm with K4-5, nothing heard from EU north of about the Alps except for a few OM/OK stations and very brief OH
N8IVNSA HIGH ALLGlad to have a couple hours to enable me to add to the club's points before joining Team WX3B. 73 Dennis N8IVN
N8MDSO LOW ALLGreat contest!
N8SDRSA HIGH ALLHermes Lite 2 and VK3AMP
N8YXRMULTI-ONE LOWMuch better than last year. All Tuttle's helped!!!!
N9ARXSO LOW ALLGreat band conditions on 10 & 15 this year. Wish I could have operated more hours!
N9ATFSO LOW ALLFirst license 07-2021
N9QZSO LOW ALLOperator age 24 Born January 1999
N9TFSO LOW ALLWent away for the weekend to my nieces wedding in IL. Made it home Sunday after driving 6.5 hours and was able to squeeze in 53 minutes of operating in the last 1.5 hours of the contest. S&Pd quickly, bouncing around the bands hoping to pick up as many DX and zone mults as possible. If an op didn't answer my call after 2 calls, or if a run op didn't identify after working two ops, I moved on quickly. Felt like a sprint! I was hoping for at least 60 Qs and 60 total mults. 10/15/20 meters all had similar prop to SA and Caribbean here. I did find one JA on 15 to work that heard me as well as two different DX entities in zone 33. One on 15 the other on 20. All the rest of the contacts were VE/SA and Caribbean. No travels planned for November CQWW CW, and the plan is for a FT effort. 73 Gene, N9TF Rig, K3S 100 watts to 6BTV ground mounted
N9VPVSA LOW 10M100w & a 10m vertical
N9XDSSO LOW ALLThis was my first CQ DXCC contest. 73
NA4CWSO QRP ALLJust playing. IC-705 to Windom up 25 ft, 6,5 hours. Club points to FCG
NB2PSO HIGH 40MNew antenna and QTH. Happy with the results for the few hours we were able to operate
NC4MISO LOW ALLDid a lot of search and pounce. Mostly searching
NC8RSA LOW ALLOperator age 17 First time using my new Hygain TH-3 in a contest. Had a great time!
ND0CSO QRP ALLHad fun but conditions were a bit disappointing
NE5BSO LOW ALLLiterally 100 watts and a wire. Well actually 2 End Fed HalfWave wires, #1 10-40 #2 10-75. Search and pounce the entire time
NE5TTSO LOW ALLFirst license 02-2022
NF4ASA HIGH ALL100 S&P....10 meters was disappointing compared to the way it was just a few days earlier in the week
NI0KSO HIGH 20MThe good news: my XYL found me a chair cushion that finally makes BIC time comfortable. The bad news: Murphy attacked! Not only was there trouble with software, my 20M single band entry was adversely affected by the solar storm: anything above 10MHz had a hole over northern MN. I couldn't hear Asia at - mostly just EU. I'm tired of fighting software issues and I'm going to take a few days off
NK4OSA LOW ALL10m was magic on Saturday. The band was stacked from 28.3-28.9 wow. This is the most effort ever given to a SSB contest. Next time I'll have a foot/hand switch and voice recorder. Monday is going to be interesting. thanks! 73 -AJ
NL8FSO HIGH 80MGood Test K4 A28 but not to bad good the hear guys on the bands
NN4DXSO LOW ALLGreat contest! Thanks for the sun for giving us great propagation. 73 All
NN6USO LOW ALLHad a couple of unplanned hours on a mountaintop so I worked some high-band DX from my Jeep - conditions were very good on Saturday and I got 3 new entities for my Mobile DXCC if they confirm. If the 'regional open space' were qualified for a POTA park, this would also have been a successful POTA activation
NN7OSO LOW ALLJust making some contacts and handing out some points this year . .
NO9ESA HIGH ALLUsing Flex 6600 + PG XL amp. Antennas: JK Mid Tri 40 @ 30m phased with JK Mid Tri @ 20m. 4 SQ for 80m plus beverages. Spiderbeam @ 40ft as a multiplier antenna. This year I added a square 2 el beam @ 11m for 10-20 that weights 5 kg. Carbon fiber mast from Gigaparts and 4 carbon fiber fishing poles. Set for Southeast it worked surprisingly good. Poor conditions on 160-80, mediocre on 40m. Excellent on 10m on Saturday and much worse on Sunday due to a G1 storm. For the first time I figured out how to do SO2R with Flex/N1MM although not enough running to use SO2R well. But spurious interlocks cost 1 hr of prime time. My signal was not strong compared to nearby stations. I think that the TX audio in FLEX 6600 is screwed up. It is either clean and weak, or stronger with processing but distorted
NS4ESO LOW ALLPlease use Joe instead of Joseph if possible
NS6XSO QRP ALLFirst CQWW in many years - first as single-op. Had a fun time operating from a campground near Big Bear City, about 7,000 feet. Only had working antenna for 10-20. So slept all night
NS7USA LOW ALLFun contest, and I worked several ATNO during the event. Thank you for organizing it
NT0KMULTI-ONE LOWOperator age 17
NW1RSO LOW ALLFirst license 11/2021 First licensed for Rookie Category: 11/30/21
NZ3BSA LOW ALLFirst license 03-2022 3/31/2022
OA4DFFSA LOW 10MFirst license 11-2021
OA4SSSO LOW ALLI now have only 100 watts and dipoles. 'Search and pounce' is much more challenging!
OE1AYSSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2023
OE1FXHSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2023 CEPT-NOVICE (LOCAL CLASS 4) since 18th April 2023
OE1KSGSO LOW ALLFirst license 20210731

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