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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
JE6MCASO LOW ALLMobile whip/6mH 50w Running
JE6PJPSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE6TUPSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JE6WGTSO HIGH ALLThanks to very good condition, I had very happy time in this contest
JE7KJGSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest. I would like to have fun next year
JE7SRKSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JE8IASSO LOW 10MSnowfall made the antenna very difficult, but I'm glad to be able to participate, thanks for the tally
JE8UHYSO LOW ALLRIG: ICOM IC-7300 50W ANT: DP Operator's License: Japanese 2nd class Very fun contest. I want to spend much longer period next year
JF0IUNSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF0RRHSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1DMYSO HIGH 15MEnjoyed very much
JF1ELRSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1GZZSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1HAJSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. Thank you
JF1JDGSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1KQISO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1LMBSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1OPOSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1TEUSO LOW ALLThis year, I participated with the goal of communicating with US stations in order to earn VOTA points.It was very exciting
JF1VSDSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF1WQCSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF2FIUSO HIGH ALLThank you all stations!
JF2NLHSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JF2WXSSO LOW 40MI enjoyed the contest
JF3DCHSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF3DINSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF3GFHSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF3IPRSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF3IYWSO LOW 15M50 watts output
JF3KCHSO HIGH ALLFTDX5000(200W) & VD(10mh) I enjoyed the contest
JF3KNWSA HIGH 40MI enjoyed the contest
JF3KQASA LOW ALLOut put 50W + single element wires only Thank you for the contacts. CU AGN next year!
JF3LOPSA HIGH 80MI struggled with poor conditions and radar noise on the first day at 80m. On the second day, conditions were better and I was able to enjoy the contest! CU NEXTYR!
JF3NDWSA HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JF3PGWSO LOW 40MI enjoyed the contest
JF3PLFSA LOW ALLThe band was in excellent condition. I enjoyed the contest with a satisfactory score
JF3RLVSO HIGH 20MI enjoyed the contest
JF3VAXSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JF4IETSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JF6AHCSO QRP 15MTRX IC-705 set RF POWER to 50%(5Watts)
JF6CYDSO LOW ALLFirst license 12-2022
JF7VVLSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JG1CMTSA LOW 20MOperator age 23
JG1FMLSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1GPYSO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1ITHSO HIGH 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG1LHBSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG1LMTSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. RIG:TORIO TS-890S ANT:Dipole Antenna, Vertical Antenna
JG1OGMSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest

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