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CQ World Wide DX Contest

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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
JG1RYQSO QRP 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG1SROSO HIGH 15MI enjoyed the contest
JG1SXPChecklogI enjoyed the contest
JG1UKWSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JG1UQDSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. PrivateBestScore!
JG1XIOSA LOW ALLI really enjoyed this contest. This score must be my personal best of CQWW CW. Thanks,
JG2AIGSA LOW 10MRig:FTDX10 Pwr:100W Ant:Vertical+ATU
JG2RFJSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG2VSFSO LOW 10MI operated it in a park on top of a mountain. It was quite cold and we withdrew after a short operation
JG3HLVSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JG3SVP/3SO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JG3XDRSO LOW 20MI enjoyed the contest
JG6XYSSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH0AHISA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH0CFCSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH0FOGSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JH0ILLSO HIGH 40MThanks for joining contest TX IC-7610 1000W ANT:2ELE,
JH0KFISO QRP 15MMany thanks
JH0KHRSA HIGH ALLCONDX was good, but I enjoyed partial operation only because of my daughter's wedding ceremony in the weekend
JH0NOSSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH0OXSSO LOW 160M3.1. Single Operator (use of spotting networks is NOT PERMITTED): CW only
JH0RNNSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1APZSO QRP 80MI enjoyed the contest
JH1BHWSA LOW ALLI enjoyed this contest
JH1EYMSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest
JH1FNUSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1FSBChecklogI enjoyed the contest
JH1FVESA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the 2023 WW CW contest
JH1HLCSA LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1HMCSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest. High band condition is so good
JH1JJVSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JH1JNJSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1KRCSO HIGH 15MCQ WW contests are always exciting events. Unfortunately ARRL EME contest is held on the same week-ends these years. So my participation in CQ WW contests are limited. Anyway I enjoyed both contests of the diffent moods on the same week-ends
JH1KYASO LOW 15MI vy enjoyed the contest
JH1LEMSO HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1NLFSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest
JH1NVASO LOW ALLCondx is not so good, but I enjoyed the contest. TNX ALL for QSO. FTDX10/ EFHW & 5/8wave GP
JH1OGCSO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1TJHSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1UESSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1VIXSO LOW 15MI enjoyed the contest.,Thank You
JH1VMMSO LOW ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH1WHASO LOW 20MI enjoyed the contest
JH1WOYChecklogI enjoyed the contest
JH2GZYSO LOW 80MThanks nice QSO
JH2JNUSO LOW 160MI enjoyed the contest
JH2LMHSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest
JH3DMQSA QRP 80MRig: TS-890S(50w Remodeling) ANT: 19.8mH V-DP(CD-330V) OATH: I swer PWR down QRP 5W
JH3FTZSO LOW 10MI enjoyed the contest. Maximum output100w
JH3GCNSA HIGH ALLI enjoyed the contest

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