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2023 CW

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KV8QSO QRP 10MFirst time as QRP and it was really fun. I sure had the busted calls, most prevelant was K4ZQ and KU8Q. I tried to correct every one of them but sometimes folks were just to busy to worry about it I guess. Couldn't break all of the pileups but I got my share, even if it took a little longer. Sunday was better than Saturday even with the increase in noise. Thanks - 73 tom Rig = TenTec Eagle @ 5 Watts. Antenna = a droopy 10 meter droopy dipolel in the attic above the garage
KW8NSO HIGH ALLOverall bands seemed good
KY4GSSA LOW ALLFirst license 04-2021 Rookie (first licensed April 2021). YL
LA0GESA LOW 20MGreat fun with only a wire and 100w. Thanks to all
LA1ENASO QRP ALLXiegu G90 4watts dipole/vertical
LC5KSA HIGH ALLCovid 19 took its toll. But enjoyed it anyhow
LC5PSO QRP ALLGreat contest even if the aurora killed some of the fun saturday evening and night. Some great ears out there to hear my 5W from a DxCommander vertical
LC9ASA LOW ALLThx for the contacts. Had a good run on 15m this year
LT7DSA QRP 10MEntered the contest with a new 4 El antenna+ a new DSP filter set and a software revamp of the station. Nothing worked at the beginning. But eventually managed to get thru. Saturday bad condx with EU and vy gud with NO, Sunday better condx with EU and mild to US. Asia opened only on Friday night. No AF nor OC in the mix this time. All in all it was very fun
LU1DZSA HIGH 10MDedicado a mi amigo, maestro, padrino, Alberto Uranito Silva LU1DZ sk. Tu bandera aun flamea
LU1QAKSO LOW ALLFirst license 04-2022
LU3MGSA HIGH ALLThe contest started quickly the idea was to test SO2R with two teams at 100W of power. Everything was almost ready until Murphy's law intervened, and I couldn't finish configuring it. With less than an hour remaining, I decided to switch to AB HP mode, working the bands allowed by my antennas (10/15/20 and 40M). This was at 1000 watts of power, using both VFOs of my radio and two keyboards. We worked in what is called SO2V, which isn't quite SO2R but improves the number of stations worked per unit of time. As usual, considering the time when the contest starts in the LU zone, we began on the 10-meter band, contacting stations from the USA, the occasional European approaching from the east, and then many, many Japanese stations, something I hadn't seen—or rather heard—in a long time. As time passed, we jumped between bands, ultimately ending up on 40 meters with less-than-ideal conditions. These conditions improved the next day in the early morning, allowing us to make nearly 200 contacts, the majority with American stations and a few Europeans. The standout band where I exceeded 1000 contacts was 10 meters, which opened like a Swiss clock on both days, allowing me to make the difference. The same couldn't be said for 15 meters, which was conspicuously absent on Saturday but opened on Sunday afternoon, adding some Europeans and many Americans to the log. On the other hand, 20 meters was very productive on Friday/Saturday night, but not so on Sunday. We ended the contest on 10 meters, adding a few multipliers and grouping stations from the USA. The participation of Brazilian stations was relatively low, which surprised me since they are usually highly present in international contests, especially given their abundance in South America compared to other countries in the region. In contrast, several Argentine contest stations joined (LS2D, LP1H, LT1F, and LU8DPM), along with more modest stations like LU1WUD Rik, LU6OA, LW1F, etc. In conclusion, it was a fun contest, as WW contests tend to be dynamic and, above all, challenging for the operator. The winner is the one who spends the most hours in the chair and accumulates better skills over time. We added several interesting entities for the DXCC and made many friends whom we greeted during these 48 hours of operation. Thanks to all the friends who shared their QSO. See you in the next contest! 73 TU... Seba LU3MG
LW2DXSA LOW 10MJust few hours on saturday and very few on sunday. Thanks to LU/EA1GHW for the J pole
LX1NOSO HIGH 160MAbout 1/4 of the callers had their first dah chopped or dit not transmitted! Check your TX timing
LY0NASSA QRP ALLHermes Lite 2 via 80m horizontal loop at 12m
LY2NKSO HIGH ALLnice contest,tnx for qso,73
LY5WSA HIGH 10MNew LY Record claimed. Best World multiplier on 10m
LY9ASO QRP ALLNo russia, belorus and israel QSO.s
LZ2PEPSO LOW 10MFirst CQWW...along ago
LZ5KSA HIGH 40M2 hours effort.Just for fun.Thanks for QSOs
M0BLFSA LOW 40MJust a part-time operation with 50W to an EFHW, but did better than I expected!
M0CVOSO LOW ALLWow, 10m and 15m were rocking
M0HOMSA HIGH 40MSome good DX logged, thanks for all the Q's. 73
M0IPUSA HIGH ALLDXspider: dxs.ddns.net:7300 AR-Cluster 6: arc6.ddns.net:7373 CC Cluster: dxnode.ddns.net:8888
M2OSA HIGH 20MK3 350w Dipole @ 6m
M4NSA HIGH ALLGood to hear so many signals on air. Lot of fun. Using FLEX6400 to Doublet at 10M
M6TMULTI-MULTIHaving visible aurora during a contest is never a great sign, but conditions held up remarkably well and we had a lot of fun
M6WSA LOW ALLI think the sun hiccupped!
M7RDVSA LOW ALLFirst license 02-2023 02-2023
M7XSA LOW 10M100W+4 ele yagi at 14M high
M8ASA HIGH 15MFirst license 03-1997
M9BSA LOW ALLOperator age 20
MD4KSO HIGH ALLReally enjoyed this years contest. Conditions not so good on Saturday, even LF signals had auroral flutter
MM0DGISA LOW ALLJust for fun
MM0TSO HIGH ALLAnother excellent event. I think I now put out a decent signal on all bands except 160, though I live in a city. Sorry to those I missed due to local noise. Conditions seemed pretty good except for the Geo Mag storm on Saturday night. Here's hoping for better luck next year!
MM4DSA LOW 10MStruggled on Saturday with conditions. Improved on Sunday but still no JAs heard. Already looking forward to next year! Thanks to all for the QSOs 73 de John, GM4ATA (aka MM4D)
MM7NSO LOW 10MStation at Loch Fyne, Argyll, Scotland
MW0IDXSA HIGH ALLCausual S&P 10m in great shape
MW5BSA HIGH 40MA simple 'field day' set up from a rented farmhouse in Wales
N0GMSA LOW ALLNew house, just got my beam up Saturday, rotator broke after about 2 hours in wind so most of the contest was using my EFHW 80-10. Worked pretty good!
N0JKSO QRP 10MI had planned a serious effort on 10 from our land north of Lawrence, KS where I had a yagi set up. But heavy snow prohibited driving there. Not set up for remote yet. So... I put in a limited QRP activity from our home in Lawrence. 5 W to a Radio Shack CB mag. mount whip on a Weber BBQ. 17 Qs in the log on 10 !! A tribute to the great conditions and the tenacity of the ops I worked. Short F2 to VE3 and VE5 noted on 10
N1APISA LOW 40MWith the SteppIR broken the only thing I had was a dipole and not a very good one on the tower. I surprised even myself!
N1DCSO LOW ALLExcellent conditions. Thanks to all the folks managing this great contest !
N2BZDSO LOW ALL40 meter propagation was the best in years Good 15 m openings to JA

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