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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
VE1JSSO LOW 15MNot a serious effort, but great fun!
VE2EZDSO HIGH ALLFT-950, AL-811H, AT2K, DIGI KEYER II, Horizontal 40m delta loop
VE2HEWSA LOW ALLSpectacular conditions this weekend!
VE3CVSA LOW ALLGreat contest as always CQ Magazine
VE3DTISO QRP ALLRig: ICOM 703+ @ 5W, Ant: LW (85 Ft.) winding up the maples, endfed & tuned via the LDG RT-100. Initial transmission was via the keyer functions of the IC 703 (at 25-30 WPM), later complemented with manual sending via the Bushwacker single key rigged as an SS (most parties contacted got the VE3 part no problem, but the DTI usually required further manual effort). My special appreciation to all those who struggled with my challenged signal! 73 de Jose VE3DTI (VA3PCJ/CX7RT)
VE3GFNSA LOW ALLI put in 17 hours on this contest, exactly the same time as last year, but I blew away last year's score in spades, and in fact, all prior scores back to 2014, my alltime record of more than 1M points. The difference was the use of the Available Qs/Mults window, which I used extensively, and never launched the Multipliers window at all! The highlight was working China for the first time in ten years! He was so loud I called VE3NR on the telephone, and Bert could hear him through the 'fone, over my speakers! I again worked a big bunch of JAs at grey line time on Sat. night on 15M. On Sunday afternoon on 20M I had my longest run ever, well over an hour and a half, with rates over 200, very exciting. That was my swan song, as I quite at 3:30pm to take a snooze, and woke at five to find bad weather moving in, and abandoned the contest to disconnect the toys. I was very pleased at the overall results
VE3OLPSA LOW ALLI removed a call from Chile that I must have copied wrong, thus the overall score I put in will be lower. Should now be 3332
VE3OMVSO LOW ALLOperator age 13
VE3PNSO HIGH 160Mready ontime due to temp being chilly -8C at start
VE3VYSA LOW ALLOnly single-element wire antennas used
VE3XDSA LOW 15M50 watts into an end-fed dipole in the attic. Great conditions!
VE3ZZSA HIGH ALLGreat conditions using only 200 w and wire antennas I as surprised that 4W8X and FW5N came back to me relatively quickly on various bands! Nice!!
VE5GCSO LOW 10MFun Contest
VE7BGPSO LOW ALLI had a lot of fun operating this Contest this year. Rigs used Ftdx-10 and I got a few on my Vintage Heath SB-101
VE7RCSO LOW 10MLooking forward to more contests from my new QTH
VE9VICSA LOW ALLThanks to all, Ve9vic
VK2AWASO LOW ALL100W Long Wire Ant 10m Vertical
VK2CCCSO QRP 40MThe start of the contest was promising having worked CR3A via the long path. Things got slow later. Was pleased to hear plenty of JAs
VK2IGSO LOW ALLMainly search and pounce on the 2nd day of the contest this time. Still some nice DX despite the relatively poor conditions (compared to recent times). Thanks to the contest managers to running it, and look forward to catching everyone in the next contest!
VK2PWSO HIGH ALLThanks to the organisers. Good fun testing out my new antenna system. Good luck all contesters
VK3BAPSO LOW 40MFirst license 01-2022 Date first licensed: 2022
VK3KTTSA HIGH ALLtribander and wire just search and pounce for new slots
VK5GGSA LOW ALLSome great DX around during the contest
VK6TSO HIGH 40MPlanned to enter as SOAB but discovered a few hours before the start that the 80/160m antenna had an open circuit coax. Too late to fix so entered 40m single band. It was going well but a local lightning storm which continued through the 2nd night meant an early finish at 1500z
VK7GNSO HIGH ALLUsual few hours.Very poor on Sun A.M
VL2BSO HIGH ALLConditions unbelieveable. I have never experienced such amazing conditions on all bands 80 through 10 at the same time in my entire ham life since 1961 CW is most definitely alive and well
VL2NSO HIGH 10MAmazing conditions on all bands. However the solar flare in the middle of the contest was weird experience. All upper bands went dead
VL2USA LOW ALLFT-2000, EFHW 80-10m
VL6KSA HIGH 80MAmplifier died so only a limited go
VL6TSO QRP 10MLimited for my contest hours but hopefully have set a new mark for VK 10m QRP single band. Conditions were generally good but recent CMEs stopped them from being great. Thanks to all who dragged my peanut whistle signals out of the noise
VO1BQSO LOW 20M1 hr operation, 100W into EFHW
VO1HPSA HIGH 80MK3 Remote + KPA500 + KAT500 Antenna 80M ZIO Super Vertical 1/8 wave
VO1KGZSO LOW 10MFirst license 03-2021 First licensed 2021-03-30
VU2MUDSO HIGH 10MFT2000 HEXBEAM. 10M WAS ROCKING - EXCELLENT OPENINGS. GOOD RUNS- Great experinece getting back to contesting after a few years
VU2PTTSA LOW 10MI was time constrained and could not put in a full effort and decided on doing a single band with a fixed target. WOW, it was a super CW festival! Single band DXCC on 10M in a weekend, that too with 50 watts from an old Icom M710 marine radio which has no VFO knob, a hex beam which was loose in its rotator and turning with the wind. That was fun and all thanks to the super ops with great ears at exotic locations who heard and sometimes dug out my weak signal. Good scores from VU2CDP and AT3K, well done guys and go for more :) 73 and see you all in the next one de Prasad VU2PTT
VY2DPSO LOW ALLIC 7200 with CHA Hybrid Mini as a sloper, LDG IT-10 tuner.Only about an hour or two spread over the weekend. 73
W0FLSSA HIGH ALLPart time effort. . . 40m signals were so warbly Friday night they were often not copyable even with good sigs. . . often took several repeats. With good SFI numbers 10 and 15 were both three or four hours after SS. Conditions on 160 Friday night improved significantly as EU sunrise approached. Some EU stations CQing with big sigs were not hearing well at all. Always have a good time in WW CW. . .first time in the contest with the DB18 SteppIR (@90'). . . it's an excellent performer 40-10
W1ESSA HIGH ALLNot a lot of time this year
W1HSBSO LOW ALLFirst license 04/2022 Rookie CW OP
W1QKSA LOW ALLThanks for the contacts. Great Cycle 25 band conditions with plenty of activity. Tnx to CQ for sponsoring the contest, and those volunters who process the logs and prepare the results. 73 - Dan, W1QK
W1WEFSO HIGH 10MI had planned an all out-all band effort but was thwarted by a computer failure 4 hours into the contest. After a sleepless night I decided to start over with my older computer and do Unlimited SB10. That was fun but it also was probably the last time Ill ever think about an all out effort in a 48 hour contest. I'm starting to realize how old I am...hi (86 in a few days) 73 JACK
W2/DL8CXSA QRP ALLI decided to take on the challenge of operating QRP together with very limited antenna options in the urban surroundings of Manhattan. It was tough but I had fun. Many thanks to the operators on the DX side for their good ears and the patience trying to decipher a weak and not so common portable callsign. Ham Radio is such a great hobby! I placed my AlexLoop portable magnetic loop horizontally outside a Midtown Manhattan apartment building roughly 200 feet (60 meters) above ground facing New York City's East River. My equipment consisted of a Yaesu FT-818, 5 watts out on 40-15m, 2.5 watts only on 10m due to some HF problems, RigExpert Ti-500 Transceiver Interface. Operation on 160-80m was not possible due to the lack of suitable antenna options
W2QLSO HIGH ALLGreat to see 10 so alive!
W3GXSO LOW ALLFirst--and last--real shot at the CQ WW CW. After serious work toward code mastery, averaged 15 minutes to get a QSO in the log. Not efficient, not the least bit competitive. There's already a laundry list of CQ WW overlay categories. How about divisions based on maximum Code speed? In boxing a heavyweight could cream a featherweight. Likewise, at 35 wpm, there's no discernable difference between the letters 'S,' and 'H,' and the numbers '4,' and '5.' Yet I have to admire all the systems engineering in the PC- and memory-driven auto-keyers I heard
W3RESA HIGH ALLHave COVID and not feeling well. Got on part of Sunday
W3SMSO HIGH ALLGreat Condx. Thanks for the Q's
W3TBSA HIGH ALLW3TB in Franklin, Tennessee USA

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