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2023 CW

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Call Category Comments
F5VVSO LOW ALLtrx FT1000MP Ant Center Fed 9 éléménts Yagi
F6FYASA HIGH 160MJust to spent time during F6IIT effort at home on 15 meters and have pleasure to meet all of you
F8ATSChecklogYAESU FT 100 D 100W+PALM KEY+VERTICAL A99 @6M UP As usual, i was busy at work....just to give points and have fun
F8KGWMULTI-ONEThe 10m and 15m bands were very good with many nice DX
G0GQTSO LOW 40MA cold wet weekend was spent in a nice warm shack trying to improve my CW. Frustrating at times with low power, but some new Countries and zones worked on a 40 Mtr dipole. A very enjoyable weekend
G0KPESA HIGH 160MOperated for a few hours each evening. 160m only. Good fun
G0ORYSO LOW 10MSuperb conditions Saturday. Sunday was pretty good too Thanks all stations worked for the QSOs hope see you all again next year
G0WATSA LOW 15MVery part time this year :(
G1GSA LOW 10MStarted doing QRP but the aurora arrived and it was almost impossible so used 50w and started bouncing signals off the aurora. Sunday a better day - the new Moxon antenna is a keeper (EA2850MOX)
G3GSA HIGH ALLFlex 6600 Antennas: Dipoles & Yagi
G3LSO QRP 10MGreat condx's very much enjoyed the contest as usual Ten did go out for me on Qrp about 18:00hrs which suited me fine, cu next year God willing
G3NKSSO LOW ALLJust a dabble! But good fun and good conditions. Some stations were sending far too fast, didn't help their QSO rate or mine! Trapped vertical fo 10, 15 and 20m, 60ft of wire for 40, 80 and 160m
G3OJLSA LOW 15MThe first contest I have taken 'seriously' (i.e. I read the rules first) for decades. Really enjoyed the adrenaline and the 'whole world activity' - very stimulating ! mni tnx es 73 to all
G3RTUSA LOW ALLThanks to all who made the contest really active and those I managed to work in my available operating time. CU next year
G3VPWSA HIGH ALLSpent a few hours searching and pouncing for new DXCC entities. Was only going to submit a checklog but what the heck 70 countries just on 10m and 60 countries on 40m can't be too bad. Assisted using cwskimmer on my own antenna. Running 400w on a SteppIR vertical with K3 and linear
G3WRRSO LOW ALLFirst semi-serious entry in the CW event for some years from here. Part time only but thoroughly enjoyable. 10m was the star band from here in South London, with 15m nearly as good, but 20m a bit disappointing (maybe everyone was on 15 & 10m!). 40m also rather quiet but at the right times 160m & 80m were good. Surprisingly the only UK prefixes worked were G and GD - but maybe I was on the right bands at the wrong times
G3YJQSA HIGH 20MThanks for all the Q's and the points. Hope to work you Gi's again in the next contest. Gl 73 fred de G3YJQ
G3YMCSO QRP ALLA good fun weekend. Elecraft K2, 5W, longwire
G3YRZSO LOW 80MMy computer Blue Screened several times with my RF. Never done before! I couldn't carry on
G3ZGCSA HIGH ALLMy Tx fails after about 90 minutes use. The manufacturers cant find the issue. Other than that extremely good conditions here except 160m which was very poor. 10m and 15m superb.Best results ever for my simple aerial setup
G4BUESA QRP ALLElecraft K3 at 5 watts Antenna 1: 132 feet inverted-vee doublet at 35 feet fed open-wire. Antenna 2: DX Commander Signature 9 multi-band vertical
G4CXTSA HIGH ALLWho needed an aurora during CQWW?
G4DDLSO LOW ALLLots of fun! Found less DX on 20m than other bands. 10m was very good as was 40m. Only a small station with simple wire antennas ( longwire 30m at 8m and low loop 8 x 4 m at 6m) Pleased to make an unchecked half million points!
G4LPPSA LOW 40MA brief 40m only foray on 10 watts
G4MADSO QRP 15MJust a little fun on QRP on 15m - glad to get over the pond a few times :-)
G4OZGSA QRP ALLI used an Elecraft KX3, 5 watts. 80/40 Trap dipole at 7 meters. 20M vertical with elevated radials at 3 meters. 10M 5/8 wave vertical at 3 meters. I apologize to those that had trouble with my signal but it was a fun weekend and thanks to all that worked me
G5BBLSO QRP ALLVery enjoyable contest operating QRP power Conditions were very good on 10m! Thanks everyone for the points
G5DSO QRP 10MCombining with a SOTA activation
G6ASA LOW 80MAnother enjoyable weekend that I look forward to each year
G6MSA HIGH 10MToken entry. XYL's 70th Birthday Celebration. So limited time
G7PVZSO QRP ALLHoliday style, casual fun 3 Watts, hand keyed
GM3WSO LOW ALLA very pleasant experience to find 10M band for several hours
GM4FDMSA HIGH 10MJusat played around S & P trying to work 100 countries on 10m not a SERIOUS EFFORT
GM4NNCSO LOW ALLgood conditions old age catching up Hi
GM4UYZSA LOW 20MCouldn't spend a lot of time due to family commitments but thoroughly enjoyed what time I was on
GM5ASA HIGH 10MBand was very lively during the day but died an hour or so after sunset. Great fun as usual
GM5TDXSO LOW 10MGood luck to everyone who entered the Competition - Ted GM5TDX
GS7VMULTI-TWOContest DXpedition to Shetland Islands EU-012. Unfortunately the GZ prefix no longer available, so many stations did not realise we were a Multiplier, despite our publicity. Icy 60mph gales and hailstones every day for the 3 days before the contest made setting up antennas very tough.Aurora on Saturday made QSOs difficult for a spell, but overall great fun!
GU4CHYSO HIGH 10MSaturday poor, Sunday much better
GW0VSWSO QRP ALLI enjoyed the contest this year though it was hard going at times. Thanks to all operators who managed to copy my 5w.I managed to get one half of my G5RV working on Top Band so was very happy to make a few contacts on that band
GW5DSO QRP 10MCombining with a SOTA activation
GW5LSA LOW ALLMosley Mini-31A dipole at 10m agl for 10, 15 and 20m. Homebrew attic loop for 40m. (used for the first time in contesting) .. very useful when you have limited real estate All contacts were S&P
GW9JSA QRP 10MPart time effort - 4.8w into 100m of rg213 and R7 half wave vertical on 10m, ground mounted at 900ft asl with clear take off. Nice to work west coast usa and other dx into Carribean and south america. Amazing what 5w can do!
HA2EOUSO LOW ALLRig: Icom 706 MK2 100W Ant: Home made EndFed 21.6m LW 8m high
HA3DXMULTI-ONERig RUN1:YAESU FTDX3000, PA:HENRY 3K Premier, RIG RUN2 multiplier stn: FT2000 PA:ME1200-H Antennas: 5 el monobander Long John Yagis for 28-21-14MHz, 2x Bisqare antennas for 14MHz, Lazy-H antennas for 7MHZ (NW-SE/SW-NE), 2 el NVIS for 7 MHz (N-S) Single Quad for3,5MHz (NW/SE) 2 el NVIS for 3,7 MHz (N-S) Vertically polarized full size delta loops (NW-SE / NE-SW) for 160m, K2AV Inverted L for 160m Single wire Beverages,300m to 325 degrees,285m to 250 degrees, 160m to 50 degrees and 100m to 290 degrees,(TNX to Jan OK2ZAW!) Beverages complemented by a HA5IW preamplifier. RX-TX filters,control boxes, antenna switches are HA5IW products too. Great job done Simon HA5IW as there is absolutely no interference between the Run1 and Run2 stations. Our best result so far in this competition. Thanks for all QSO's! Vy 73's es DX! Yuri(HA4FB), Zoli HA4FF, Charlie(HA4XH),Simon (HA5IW
HA3FMRSA LOW ALLRIG: FT-991A (95W), Ant: Windom

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